Axamenta - Spires
(cinematic, progressive, blackened melodeath)
(Antwerp, Belgium)
(Independent 2024)
Power packed with massive breakdowns and samurai sharp techinallity, Spires by Axamenta seems to check all of the boxes a heavy music fan could want.
As the music slowly works its way in, it may seem like this is going in the direction of a popular rock record. Once the initial welcoming has taken place, they open the door for an absolute assault that could rival most modern technical death bands. The main foundation is more balanced in the breakdown lane as the music evolves and also delivers a mix of clean and cookie monster style vocals. All of which are performed at peak levels. One mastery they achieve is the dynamic shift. At any given corner you could experience an operatic movement or an insanely intense batch of orchestral heavy metal.
Proceed with a willingness to shapeshift. There is no master genre holding court over this release.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://axamenta.bandcamp.com/
released July 12, 2024
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