BXI - Boris and Ian Astbury
(rock, mind expansion, witchcraft)
(Southern Lord)
Soaring through the cloud-like landscape of sonic waves, Boris & Ian Astbury by BXI spread their wings over the land and sea of creativity.
Where it may first take a moment for the ear to adjust to the emotionally charged sound delivered by this collaboration, it will soon become a beacon for the wandering music traveler. A lighthouse flickering from the vast ocean or the flame shimmering from the mountaintop, it will call out for a gathering. Will you head the call of this majestic sorcery beckoning you home?
Though I can shyly admit that my first impression of the listening experience did not shock my system. The flame, once gone, still burns beautifully warm with white hot embers. This is the moment my body felt the pull closer to the fire. It was then that my revisiting the release connected. This now stands as a personal favorite in an arsenal of unique weapons manifest from the creative spirits.
“The forest knows just how you feel. In higher form, you shall be reborn.” ~ Magickal Child
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://bxisl.bandcamp.com/album/boris-ian-astbury
released September 1, 2010
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