Creaturess - Creaturess (Independent 2024)

Creaturess - Creaturess (Independent 2024)

Creaturess - Creaturess 
(post-doom, slowcore, art-metal) 
(Portland, Oregon)

Lay thy body upon the cool stones of a shallow stream, letting the sun's warmth caress flesh amidst the budding life of spring as the self titled Creaturess album sings out to birds on the wing.

These subtle waters flow as gravity pulls them forward to a gathering reservoir. With an angelic voice they seek destination. One teaming with life that will provide growth to plants, animals and that which is unseen of the deep. In undisturbed darkness there is a larger calling that guides the way. Whether intentional or not, we are all submissive to that power.

The sounds allow us to feel the universe move through our veins much as the water flows. With purpose and without obstruction toward the next phase of rebirth. 

~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)

released December 21, 2024 

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