Endon - Fall of Spring
(catastrophic noise, harsh electronics)
(Tokyo, Japan)
(Thrill Jockey)
Submitting yourself to Fall of Spring by Endon is similar to diving into the matrix only to discover the electronic pulses are being controlled by dark forces you now have to battle to survive.
It would be easy to fall prey to this bait and switch technique. The opening sequence is seductive and welcoming, in a mysterious and dark way. Soft sounds whisper out like a sonic siren song luring you out to sea. Once the trap has been set, screams of agony begin to radiate from reverb soaked walls. Distorted crashes of anger and malice now cover the water like an oil slick spreading. It begins to suffocate everything it touches.
The delivery is harsh, the volume is controlled and there is no mistake that you have been ensnared in such a way that oblivion becomes a welcomed companion.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://endon.bandcamp.com/album/fall-of-spring
released August 23, 2024
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