HEADS. - Push
(post-punk, noise rock, psychedelic)
(Berlin, Germany)
(Glitterhouse Records)
Speakers crackle and solder as Push by HEADS. unleash flame and fury with every note.
Fuzz soaked riffs blast forth, pummeling everyone in ear shot with monstrous tones of angst and disapproval. Reflect upon this moment passing. Is this the existence we were born for? This is the mistake of many before us but the decision to proceed in silence is our own. Let us break down these self imposed walls and find our true selves in this modern society.
When that time occurs, HEADS. will assist us in the soundtrack to leave it all behind.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://headsnoise.bandcamp.com/album/push
released May 29, 2020
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