HRAEFN - Research Into Infinity
(stoner, psych, doom)
(Antwerp, Belgium)
Rocket engines glow hot through the ignition sequence and Research Into Infinity by HRAEFN provides the space cadets soundtrack to guide this rocket into the great darkness beyond.
Atmospheric turbulence is part of the trip. Things shutter and shake as this machine propels through sonic waves with the rumble of fuzz soaked amplifiers and precision engines following behind. This team of great psychedelic doom explorers, armed with nothing more than the calling of the universe, are focused ahead. With unseen planets to conquer and wormholes to surf, they are on the ultimate quest for enlightenment.
Beyond this realm we know awaits the next riff soaked psychedelic adventure for a people unknown.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://hraefnband.bandcamp.com/album/research-into-infinity
released November 15, 2024
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