After such a murky selection of metal and other heaviness it felt like we might need to wrap up the week by seeking salvation. If you have never heard of JCS then trust your friends here at the shop and click play on this record asap to give it a taste test. This record is funky, orchestral, vocally powerful, so well written and a perfect rock record to kick off your weekend.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7WC5EorX0k&pp=ygUkSmVzdXMgQ2hyaXN0IFN1cGVyc3RhciBvcmlnaW5hbCAxOTcw
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2utlHy2K3j4lpaVauM1aUU?si=JAeG7eL-Ss6cNELz1qZNRg
Physical Shop: @collectiveclothing
Web Store: InherentRecords.com
Weekly Podcast: https://monumentsinruin.com/blogs/podcast
YouTube: @InherentRecords