Krypticy - The Non-Return
(Death Metal)
(Málaga, Spain)
(Memento Mori)
Make no mistake, The Non-Return by Krypticy upholds the traditions of extreme, brutal death metal with a take no prisoners approach.
Machine gun snare assaults, guttural groans from a spike wielding cookie monster and high speed, blistering riff after riff is exactly what is in store for anyone brave enough to bring Krypticy into their homes. When it comes to death metal, there is little deviation from the classic model. It is done with the utmost discipline and is sure to slice the flesh of all who dare walk too close to their blade.
Racking in bonus points with a straight up, "Blech", my favorite lyric, featured in multiple places throughout the album so you know this party is gonna get ripped!
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://krypticy.bandcamp.com/album/the-non-return
released July 22, 2024
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