Lifesick - Loved By None, Hated By All
(hardcore, metal, punk)
(Fredericia, Denmark)
(Metal Blade)
To break through walls built of hatred and forge ahead in a world submerged in confusion, we need the type of system shock that Loved by None, Hated by All by LIFESICK is prepared to provide.
As our eyes open to face the day we breathe a sigh of relief and angst. Our thankfulness for this day is overshadowed by a world built for us by the hand of mankind. Our endurance can not be broken and our vision is more clear now than ever. We see each other walking the streets. A silent nod that acknowledges we are stronger together and aware there is always an effort in motion to divide. We must remain unbroken.
Albums like this release an energy and angst within that creates momentum to carry us forward for one more day.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://lifesickhc.bandcamp.com/album/loved-by-none-hated-by-all
released November 1, 2024
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