Membrane - Deathly Silence
(post hardcore, post rock, noise metal)
(Vesoul, France)
(Blind Prod / Ma Saret Records / Dayoff Records / Araki Records / Pogo Records)
Feel the chains begin to stretch and welds break as Deathly Silence by Membrane exhibits an inner strength that demands to be released from bondage.
While the stone walls reek of dust and decay, these songs begin to shake the remains of a once desolate dungeon into a living frenzy. Rats will scatter as nothing shall hold the angst found here. Though I do not speak the language, these words commit to bringing the entire cavern down before they rest upon this anger any longer.
As strong as the massive riffs that carry these words upon foundation, it is considerably evident that these sonic reverberations intend to call out upon an unstoppable measurement.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://membraneband.bandcamp.com/album/deathly-silence
releases January 8, 2025
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