Miracle Blood - Hello Hell (Nefarious Industries 2024)

Miracle Blood - Hello Hell (Nefarious Industries 2024)

Miracle Blood - Hello Hell
(punk, noise rock, post-hardcore)
(Boston, Massachusetts)
(Nefarious Industries)

Unsettling, upsetting, accurate. Hello Hell by Miracle Blood holds a mirror up to the face of modern society and smashes it over its forehead.

Harnessing a violent internal energy that is stoked to release upon the streets. These songs serve as a stark reminder that we have been manipulated by the soulless puppeteers with no intention beyond use, exploit and discard. At a time that appears there is nothing left but to protest with flame and cleanse the lot, we can turn to Miracle Blood for a supporting hand with a Molotov cocktail.

This is a heart racing, adrenaline fueled crash directly through the chains that restrain the outlier's hopes and dreams.

~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)

Bandcamp: https://miracleblood.bandcamp.com/album/hello-hell
released November 15, 2024

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