Narcosatánicos - BODY CULTS
(acid punk, noise rock, psychedelia)
(Aarhus, Denmark)
(Bad Afro Records 2016)
Swimming in waves of psilocybin soaked molasses, BODY CULTS by Narcosatánicos takes us on a journey through harsh environments and intense musical oceans.
If you find yourself in the mood to push boundaries of your typical listening flavors, this could be your ticket. Heavy waves of sludge soaked grudge pummel you with riff after riff. Each assault is even more hefty than the previous. Meanwhile saxophones scream into the atmosphere with some type of ghoulish King Crimson wail. The vocals are mixed directly into the wall of sound and add an entirely new dimension to this nightmare trip.
Prog punk may be a funny sounding term but it fits the description for this new wave, noise rock monster. Can't wait to dig into the remaining discography!
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
October 28, 2016
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