Nashville Ambient Ensemble - Light and Space
(ambient, improv, synth)
(Nashville, Tennessee)
(Centripetal Force)
Imagine a true life motion sequence of slowly opening arms and mind as Light and Space by Nashville Ambient Ensemble becomes the warm touch of the sun on skin.
At this cinematic moment on a quiet spring day, the winds are slowly pushing tall grass into a slight lean. The rustling generates an oceanic wavelike trance upon the ear. It is a peaceful seduction that the inner self has been so longing for. Some type of solitary belonging in a world driven mad long ago.
Let these moments last forever in our hearts and these songs become the beacon for those who wish for serenity.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://nashvilleambientensemble.bandcamp.com/album/light-and-space
released April 14, 2023
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