Negative 13 - Recover What You Can (Independent 2025)

Negative 13 - Recover What You Can (Independent 2025)

Negative 13 - Recover What You Can
(sludge, punk, doom)
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

Be prepared for a sludge soaked, hardcore punk smash to the face as Recover What You Can by Negative 13 leads the charge to steamroll over a corrupt humanity.

There is no place for me among the hate and evil that seems to pour from modern society. Find the ability to remain strong in the knowledge that there is always a good seed growing in the distance. Even when unseen, it nourishes. Preparing to feed our feeble and depleted bodies with life giving nutrients untouched by the hand of man. Let the self destruction of this society take hold and see a brighter day for us in the distance.

The pendulum will always swing back to its previous place. Let us hope that we are not cut down upon its return.   

~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)

released January 24, 2025 

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