NETHERLANDS - SEVERANCE (Svart Records 2023)

NETHERLANDS - SEVERANCE (Svart Records 2023)

(noise rock, post punk, sludge)
(Brooklyn, New York)
(Svart Records)

When it comes to bands that flex on mastering genre jumping abilities, I can not think of a better example than SEVERANCE by NETHERLANDS.

If you are a fan of all things heavy and enjoy a good shuffle sequence, this album is the perfect match for the moment. It is endlessly entertaining with massively heavy riffs, mixes of slow, growling industrial edges, clean vocal mastery and chugging, low end heavy bursts of, well, heaviness. Groove after groove and everything in between. This album is such a killer that I found myself enjoying their spin on genres that would have been written off entirely before this came along.

It would be safe to say, if you do not like one particular song, there is a high chance the next track is gonna hook you.

~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)

released March 31, 2023

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