Noroth / Grave Infestation - Split
(death metal)
(Seattle, Washington / Vancouver, British Columbia)
(Carbonized Records)
If you are digging through your local cemetery plot in search of an old school batch of death metal greatness, look no further than this split from Noroth and Grave Infestation.
One can almost smell the brutality creeping out of the cover before it starts to play. Throat blistering and abusive vocals flow over each battle driven, double bass and blast beat heavy shovel lunge of riffs. Though my cryptic senses tingle when the bands slow to a crawl, there is no denial that these tunes are well worn at an adrenaline stricken pace.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://carbonizedrecords.bandcamp.com/album/noroth-grave-infestation
released October 18, 2024
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