Ottone Pesante - Scrolls of War
(brass metal, doom, jazz)
(Faenza, Italy)
(Aural Music)
An album that can come out of the shadows and deliver such a creative performance within a widely exploited genre such as heavy metal demands a nod of recognition and Scrolls of War by Ottone Pesante certainly achieves this.
It may take a moment for the ear to adjust before the sands begin to unearth the scroll. As the horns sound and the drums blast through the songs, we are slowly found wandering within a desert that these tales serve. Where the waters of life are scarce, one may feel desolation. There can still be life.
There is a moment within this album of pure, emotional bewilderment. My heart and mind connected to the struggle and sadness being conveyed. It felt as though my body was lost in a soundtrack of malice. Dark and unjust. This was the moment Ottone Pesante had hooked me. My instinct was to make note of the track title and damn near cried when it read, "Men Kill, Children Die".
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://ottonepesante.bandcamp.com/album/scrolls-of-war
Song: Men Kill, Children Die
released October 18, 2024
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