Putred - Megalit al Putrefacției
(death metal)
(Memento Mori)
Like a bog monster slowly crawling from the dark filth, the swampy death of Megalit al Putrefacției by Putred will suffocate the innocent.
It is a slow and dense wall of sonic malice that gurgles from these dark waters. Where the hidden evil lies one can find the unsettling sounds of this guttural beast of death and destruction. With its pulsating cold heart we feel the venom slowly set in our veins. Gnawing on bone while our blood still runs warm, the flesh is torn to feast.
This is a malevolent creature grumbling with consistent, moderate paced double bass that thunders with thick riffs and unapologetic sin. Blurb
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://putred.bandcamp.com/album/megalit-al-putrefac-iei
releases January 20, 2025
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