Sea of Snakes - Bow To No One (Glory or Death 2024)

Sea of Snakes - Bow To No One (Glory or Death 2024)

Sea of Snakes - Bow To No One
(stoner doom, heavy psych)
(Los Angeles, California)
(Glory or Death Records)

Like the call of a wizard bringing down the mountain, Bow To No One by Sea of Snakes writhes with brute strength and the power of the ancients.

Tearing through the untamed landscape like an avalanche set free from icy bondage, these songs roll unrestricted without caution for anything in their path. Picking up speed and force, the big sound of guitars crack trees and pummel over boulders upon the unsuspecting below.

It's a big sound conducted with a clean vocal that will seal the deal for many in the heavy rock community.

~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)

released November 4, 2024

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