Tangerine Dream - Phaedra (Virgin 1974)

Tangerine Dream - Phaedra (Virgin 1974)

Phaedra by Tangerine Dream is the perfect dreamscape for connecting with a universe beyond our current reach.

When was the last time you found yourself on an absolute sci-fi adventure? Sitting back, imagining the universe as it drifts past your venturing vessel. Surrounded by cold space at zero gravity and the seemingly circular motions of planets and stars. They are all aligned to a greater cosmic vortex. Some undefined moment that has led you, the drifter of worlds, to find your way within their presence. What looks infinite is actually finite.

As you touch upon what were once known as the gods, now you shall find yourself living amongst them.

Listen on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIQ0dd7B_FU 

Also available as a deluxe 2018 version on spotify 

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