The Black Furs - Stereophonic Freak Out Vol.1
(stoner rock, psych blues, doom)
(Golden Dawn/Stoner Witch)
Summon the Sabbathian spirits forth from the dark earth as Stereophonic Freak Out Vol.1 by The Black Furs manifest doom theory and lace it with psychedelic spice.
Feel the low rumble of the terrain under foot. Dust stirs from the shadows and the slow, lumbering creature steps out. Gargantuan riff after riff compels it forward as the air swells with a musty scent of a giant waking from slumber. Every step forward showcases the dirt and grit that has layered upon its skin.
Years of quiet isolation have weather worn rusty chains that could once bind it. Time has welcomed decay upon the bondage and will now unleash this wonderful beast upon our world.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
released August 13, 2019
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