True Widow - As High As The Highest Heavens And From The Center To The Circumference Of The Earth
(psych, shoegaze, stoner)
(Dallas, Texas)
(Kemado Records)
If the mind can imagine life giving water with the consistency of a cruel, dark sludge, it would get close to how I hear As High As The Highest Heavens by True Widow.
It feels pure and clean while being slow and lurking. The innocent shyness of the goth kid standing in the corner of the room. Life is moving at a pace more rapid than they wish to adapt. This does not mean it's not being taken in. It feels too obscure to their soul to participate. That is the soul I hear in this music. The ability to find and know one's self and be at peace with that. Happiness in the isolation from lost souls of society.
It is a hopeful cry when one follows their heart and not the masses who choose no consideration for themselves, now sacrificed to fit a predetermined mold.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://truewidow.bandcamp.com/album/as-high-as-the-highest-heavens-and-from-the-center-to-the-circumference-of-the-earth
released March 29, 2011
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