Twenty One Children - Two Kings And A Skink
(punk, skate rock)
(Soweto, South Africa)
Flirting with classic sounds can be a disaster for some while Two Kings And A Skink by Twenty One Children manages to hit the nail directly on the punk rock head with a skateboard kingpin.
Hopefully we get more of this direction from the next wave of punk rock because it is all I wanna hear right now. It is typically easy for a music fan to reflect on the music of their youth with a nostalgic gloss and fond memories. Hearing it revived in modern day tends to be a bit more scarce. Two Kings And A Skink managed to capture my heart immediately and send me spiraling into my youth. With a classic punk rock/skate rock tone and gang style lyric delivery, these songs are short and directly chiseled off the block so many left behind for a pop punk polish.
This ep captures the spirit of my favorite things about punk rock and manages to name drop a few exciting references of the era to connect the dots perfectly. One could easily be fooled into assuming this was a lost release that Thrasher Magazine covered in the mid 80's but we all overlooked.
This blurb is probably longer than the entire release. Once again, reminding me of a time we would put our favorite albums on mix tape with other eps or back to back for the repeat assault.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://twentyonechildren.bandcamp.com/album/two-kings-and-a-skink-2
released November 17, 2023
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