Yuri Gagarin - The Outskirts Of Reality
(psych, space rock, stoner)
(Gothenburg, Sweden)
(Kommun2 Records / Sound Effect Records 2020)
The Outskirts Of Reality by Yuri Gagarin has managed to set the controls for the heart of all space and time.
Similar to a bolt of electricity shot into the cosmos, this album strikes at the very heart of heavy psychedelics and space adventures. Planets explode as the sonic frequencies launch by. Not unlike the whooshing slice of a samurai sword in battle. Emitting a hyper sonic wave of mutilation upon everything it encounters. While destruction is eminent, in its wake the dust shivers and slowly reforms. Taking shape is a universe where Yuri Gagarin is the architect of worlds and the keeper of the five rings.
With a colossal wave of fuzz soaked riffs surging out to celestial spaces, this is a beacon to reform worlds beyond our imagination.
~ Bobby Rayfield (Monuments In Ruin)
Bandcamp: https://yurigagarinswe.bandcamp.com/album/the-outskirts-of-reality
released January 31, 2020
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