Monuments in Ruin - Episode231/Program Two (music podcast)
Now that the Halloween season has come and gone, it feels like a good time to experiment with a “Choose Your Own Adventure” episode! What if we could visit alternate dimensions? What would we see in the same light? How would this week’s episode differ from a normal week? For our adventure the song certainly does not remain the same. Follow these artists through two different timelines as we celebrate a Twilight Zone style show by choosing Program 1 or Program 2. Your choice takes you on a specific path. Of course, we are the timekeepers and can jump through dimensions to hear both programs at our convenience.
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(00:00) Monuments in Ruin – Episode 231 Intro
(02:24) Beastie Boys
(06:41) Misfits
(08:26) Sonic Youth
(13:17) Gulch
(19:28) Helmet
(22:18) Bad Religion
(24:21) Suicidal Tendencies
(27:56) Butthole Surfers
(30:49) Bauhaus
(39:34) Fugazi
Poll: Do you enjoy the instrumental Beastie Boys songs or prefer the lyrical songs?
~ All of it. Instrumental or rap, they knocked it out of the park.
~ Rap only. I was never a fan of the other stuff they tried.
Q: Name a band or album that took it's name from a horror movie! Example: Black Sabbath
Program 2 notes:
Beastie Boys 1992: What a terrific moment in music. For the majority of Beastie Boys fans, they had no clue that the band was actually a trio of punk rockers before stepping in to the world of hip hip. Where their previous album would capitalize on sampling from various album sources, Check Your Head showcased the band as, not only 3 MC’s and 1 DJ but as a core of physical performing musicians who were fully capable of the task at hand. They dove into the studio and started writing and recording their own music to perform and mine for audio clips. There are still a hefty amount of album samples here but it’s a another step in the Beastie Boys evolving world that helps make it easy to declare them as one of my all time favorite artists. It also shut up a lot of the haters who would use the default insult toward rappers when they would say, “They are not even playing instruments.”. Well, I’m still waiting to hear an album I like from 99% of the people who said that, at the time.
Speaking of Moments in time, this next artist is certainly a time capsule in the punk rock world, this is the Misfits with Hybrid Moments.
Misfits 1978: Is there a catchier punk rock group from the 70’s that dealt with horror as their main theme? Maybe there is someone out there that I’ve overlooked but I can’t think of one until years further down the road. The Misfits opened the doors for spooky pop vibes by picking up where Black Sabbath had started but kicked it up a notch as they walked it straight into the heart of punk rock. The misfits logo, which is known as the Crimson Ghost taken from a 1946 horror film very similar to where Black Sabbath took their name, has become an iconic image over the years. That band used the image on their first 7” release and maintained use of it through their career. Not sure if there was ever any implication to them using it or not but we may not be talking about the Crimson Ghost film if not for the bands use of the imagery.
Sonic Youth 2006: This is the bands fourteenth studio album. This tune is super catchy, clean, and very well assembled musically. It contains all the elements of a fully evolved and well-established group of songwriters. Where the band often steps into uncomfortable grounds for a typical AM/FM music listener, I could see this tune slipping under their radar and being welcomed on any open broadcasting station. It’s a beautifully crafted song all around. Sonic Youth really are an amazing band that has always been forward thinking.
Gulch 2020: Talk about a powerful tune! It’s been a minute since we broke out any straight up blast beats in here. Even though they only hit for a second, it’s enough to help pulverize you into a bloody pulp before the vocalist informs you in that harsh, screamy and oh so enjoyable way. Haha! The entire tune is really all about devastation from start to finish. Never letting up and never letting you go. Grab, hit, repeat. That breakdown toward the ending is like a shot of adrenaline, for sure. Most people get excited about faster parts of the music but it’s those hardcore breakdowns that really give me the goose bumps. Pretty gnarly.
Helmet 1994: This tune is straight up groovy. Where the band would previously keep it tight, this record is way more open and more experimental for them. It was a welcome change but also threw the band out of a favor with a lot of listeners who were hoping to get a repeat of Meantime. It’s didn’t happen and we can all be thankful for bands who are not afraid to step outside their comfort zone. Not to totally step backwards in time here but as we discussed with the Beastie Boys earlier, they consistently evolved. Imagine all the great music we would have missed if we had Meantime Vol 2 or Licensed to Ill part 2 through 6 and so on. Moving forward is the key.
Bad Religion 1993: It took me a minute to get into bad religion. It’s not that they were doing anything I did not enjoy but they were a bit outside of my circle for a while. I would eventually get into Pennywise and that path would inevitably align with Bad Religion. That was a different type of punk rock though. One of the things I have always loved about early punk rock was the way each band would sound totally different from the next. Black Flag, Minutemen, Suicidal tendencies, Ramones, etc. All very, very different.
Suicidal Tendencies 1987: When it comes to music, we can all find common ground on our love for the sound waves. Different genres create different allegiances but all of that is unnecessary. I’m guilty of brushing off an album or artist many times over. We discuss it all the time on the show. ST warned us of the danger of gatekeeping years ago with this tune. It’s the size of your heart, not the length of your hair. Never has there been a lyric with more truth, in my opinion. We are stronger together. That does not mean we have to enjoy all music, but it does remind us that looks are irrelevant in this universe. If you are a good person, you are welcome in this circle. Pretty simple, right? Be cool or get to steppin’.
Butthole Surfers 1993: Most of the time I’ll shy away from songs that blast profanity over and over. It’s nothing against the band but I’m sure some of our listeners may be in an environment that does not allow for a productive listening experience with an F bomb on repeat. Today, we are tearing down that wall and cranking up the volume. This tune takes our punk rock roller coaster vibe to the next level and that is what these modern-day mix tapes are all about anyway. The joy of dynamics and the roller coaster vibe of this show. At least, that’s usually my plan. Haha! Besides, sometimes you just feel like yelling some profanity.
Bauhaus 1981: I can’t remember if it was on episode 229 or 228 that we discussed reggae in punk rock. This tune kind of taps into that vibe but has a unique flavor. This record came and went through my record library. It was not for me at the time. It’s that simple. Thank goodness we have the ability in this day to grow, revisit and honor some of those tunes that escaped our listening appreciation in earlier days.
Fugazi 1993: Closing out with a favorite here, I remember having this cd sitting in my basement. The cover had gotten some type of humidity drink spilled on it or whatever and the CD cover got stuck to the disc. Even though the cover was destroyed, I was able to tear them apart and the CD forever had a thin layer of paper stuck to the top. It played successfully so I never removed it. It’s still like that today, in fact! Maybe I can find a way to share a photo of that. 1993 seems like so long ago yet other 90’s memories feel like they happened yesterday.
As the days slowly pass on, this could be our Last Chance For A Slow Dance.
Monuments in Ruin - Episode231 (music podcast)
(00:00) Monuments in Ruin – Episode 231 Intro
(02:24) Beastie Boys - Gratitude
(06:41) Misfits - Hybris Moments
(08:26) Sonic Youth - Incinerate
(13:17) Gulch - Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress
(19:28) Helmet - Biscuits For Smut
(22:18) Bad Religion - Recipe For Hate
(24:21) Suicidal Tendencies - Join The Army
(27:56) Butthole Surfers - Goofy's Concern
(30:49) Bauhaus - In Fear Of Fear
(39:34) Fugazi - Last Chance For A Slow Dance