Welcome to Monuments in Ruin EP255
We are gazing upon the rising sun of musical evolution.
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Track List:
00:00 Monuments in Ruin Intro
00:10 Stander - A Continuation (The Garrote)
04:44 first break
05:24 Iron Front - Scattered Teeth (Creator-Destructor Records)
09:12 Pathogenic - Mass Grave Memory (Skepsis Records)
13:44 Marrowomb - Vicarious Visage (Self-Release)
19:25 LowMad – Knette’s Garden (Independent)
24:48 second break
25:36 URN (Finland) - Burning Blood's Curse (Osmose Productions)
30:04 Rothadás - Vértükör (Me Saco Un Ojo + Pulverised)
37:28 Kati Rán - Suurin featuring Kai Uwe Faust & Maria Franz-Heilung (Svart Records)
43:18 DEATH PULSATION - Eater of Stars (Caligari Records)
46:56 third break
48:35 Grave Infestation - Carnage Gathers (Invictus Productions + Dark Descent)
52:10 take us home
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