Monuments in Ruin - Chapter 256

Monuments in Ruin - Chapter 256

Welcome to Monuments in Ruin EP256
The universe is sending signals and we are here to receive. 

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Track List:
00:00 Monuments in Ruin Intro 
00:13 Proudly Damned by -(16)- - Guides For The Misguided (Relapse Records) 
05:28 first break 
06:12 Dirt by Möuth - Global Warning (Bonebag Records) 
10:19 Tempest (Absence of Youth) by Fields of Mildew - IV (Nordvis Produktion) 
15:37 Ligature Marks by Meshuggah - Immutable, The Indelible Edition (Reigning Phoenix Music) 
20:44 Ritual by Ashen - Ritual of Ash (reissue) (Redefining Darkness Records) 
24:54 second break 
26:12 Halsgericht by Mantar - Post Apocalyptic Depression (Metal Blade Records) 
30:13 Uncut by Nightstalker - Return From The Point of No Return (Heavy Psych Sounds) 
35:32 Dark Oblivion by As The World Dies - Nebula (Reaper Entertainment) 
41:18 third break 
42:25 Pyramid by Onioroshi (Italy) - Shrine (Bitume Productions) 
01:00:32 take us home 

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